Razer Now Has Gaming Finger Sleeves

Razer's got a unique new accessory for mobile gaming that's essentially a glove, though not the type of glove you might be expecting. These "gloves" are only for players' fingers and consist of a pair of finger sleeves meant to provide players with better control over their mobile gaming experiences. They don't cost much either, so it's a pretty low-risk investment if you think they might make a difference after seeing what they're supposed to do.

The new Razer Gaming Finger Sleeves were announced this week by Razer with the sleeves now available through the company's site. They go for $9.99 which will presumably get you a pair and not just one, though they're out of stock at the moment seeing how they were apparently pretty popular within the past couple of days.

As seen in the image above, these Razer Gaming Finger Sleeves feature the signature green and black Razer colors as well as the company logo on them. They're made of nylon, spandex, and silver fiber fabric to ensure that they're compatible with whatever type of touchscreen mobile device you might be playing on.

So, what's the point of the finger sleeves and why might someone want them? At a glance, they look like they'd allow for better control and grip whenever you're in the sweaty final circles of whatever mobile battle royale game you're into at the time. Razer's pitch for the finger sleeves backs that thought up while also saying that they'll keep your gaming fingers nice and cool while you're playing.

"Slip on and never slip up with Razer Gaming Finger Sleeve that will seal your mobile victory," Razer said about the gaming sleeves for your fingers. "Woven with high-sensitivity silver fiber for enhanced aim and control, our breathable sleeves keep your fingers deadly cool in the heat of battle, so you'll always have a grip on the game."

They're also sweat absorbent to make sure those fingers don't get too sweaty. That being said, it's a good thing that they're also hand-washable so that you can keep your gaming finger sleeves in pristine condition.

Razer's new product is an interesting one, but it's something that pros have already used in the past – it's just now appealing to a wider audience. It's also not the first time we've seen unique "clothing" accessories for gaming considering how PUMA already launched gaming socks (shoes?) a while back.