New 'Red Dead Redemption 2' Trailer Coming Tomorrow

Rockstar Games announced that Red Dead Redemption 2’s next trailer will release on October 18th [...]

Rockstar Games announced that Red Dead Redemption 2's next trailer will release on October 18th ahead of the game's pre-load date.

Sharing a message with its Twitter followers, Rockstar Games tweeted that the launch trailer for the game would be released at 10 a.m. ET on Thursday. No teaser trailer was shared ahead of the actual trailer's release, so Red Dead Redemption 2 buyers will have to wait till the full trailer's revealed to see what the next preview of the game looks like. Until that trailer is released, the most recent trailer that was shared weeks ago can be seen above to get a better look at the game's mechanics including the revamped Dead Eye system.

The tweet also confirmed the pre-load date for the game by saying that those who have already purchased the game digitally can start pre-loading the game on Friday at 12 a.m. ET. Physical users will of course have to wait till they get the disc and pop it into their consoles to start the download, so buying the digital version would be the preferred option for those who want to get started with the game as quick as possible.

According to recent reports about Red Dead Redemption 2, those who buy the physical version of the game will also have two discs included in the purchase. Screenshots of the back of the game box showed that there were two discs supposedly included in the purchase, likely due to the size of the game. Information shown on product listings for the game showed that it totaled at just around 90GB with that number varying slightly depending on what platform the game is purchased for.

While the launch trailer releasing on Thursday will give one more look at the game prior to its October 26th release date, those looking to hear early players' full thoughts on the game can do so on October 25th, the day before the game comes out. That date that the embargo will lift was recently revealed by Metacritic with those who have early access to the game and have agreed to the embargo able to share their game reviews on October 25th at 7:01 a.m. ET.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is scheduled to released for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on October 27th.