
‘Resident Evil 2’ Mod Pits Katherine Against ‘Resident Evil 3’s’ Nemesis

DMX has already been modded into Resident Evil 2, and we’ve seen a tale of ten Mr. Xs as well with […]

DMX has already been modded into Resident Evil 2, and we’ve seen a tale of ten Mr. Xs as well with another great mod, now the best of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis is crashing the party as part of the Ghost Survivor’s dlc with the third game’s big bad front and center.

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The video above comes from the incredible YouTube channel BeastGamingHD, with the Nemesis model import from Zero. The collaborative effort impressive and you can get in on the action right here.

Though it’s not a full game makeover, it is an awesome tweak to Resident Evil 2 and is a pretty nifty way to tide fans of the third game over while we wait for confirmation that Nemesis is the next game to get the remake treatment from Capcom after the studio expressed interest.

The studio recently sat down with the team over at Game Informer to hypothesize what their next move could possibly be. “We’ve got a lot of fans who ask for their favorite games, but we’re not going to commit to anything right now,” Director Kazunori Kadoi recently told Game Informer. “We’d like to keep our possibilities open for the future and see what makes the most sense when we come to it. We don’t want to feed just nostalgia. We want to bring [out] how people felt about the original games and if we can, reimagine it in a way so that it bridges the generation gap between people who played it 20 years ago and newcomers.”

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis was a beloved entry into the franchise and seeing all of the work Capcom has done to bring Resident Evil 2 into this generation, we would love to see them work that same magic once more. Until that happens, you can download the above mod right here.

Resident Evil 2 is officially available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC players.

Resident Evil 2 is a survival horror experience in its truest sense,” reads a small snippet from our full review. “From a constantly teased false sense of security, to horrifying instances that go far beyond a simple jump scare, this remake is one that every fan of the original needs to play. For those that aren’t familiar with the Resident Evil franchise in its humble beginnings, it’s still a treat, albeit imperfect, and one that requires no previous knowledge of the other games.”

Sound off with your thoughts on the latest mod in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy!