Look … let’s be real. Everyone has a thing for Leon Kennedy from the infamous Resident Evil franchise. Whether you just wanted to hang out with the dude if he existed IRL, or wanted to be him growing up, Leon is – and will always be – the Business. For those that always dreamed about becoming this badass, you’re one step closer because now you can get both his iconic jacket and pants right here to pre-order!
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Play-Asia is an awesome site filled to the brim with replicas, clothing, and other odds and ends of our favourite games. Whilst searching for anything juicy ala Resident Evil, I happened to stumble upon this glorious jacket and instantly … I was in love. Feast your eyes, Resident Evil lovers:

According to the site, “We will release the Bomber Jacket, which was released as ‘Agent Leon Collection’ in 2009 and got a high reputation from Resident Evil fans, with some spec changes. The jacket which the leading character Leon wears with Resident Evil 4 is faithfully reproduced up to the silhouette, cutting and action pleats. The body uses high-quality fake leather that is more water resistant and durable than leather and sticks to the texture, and it uses genuine leather parts for points such as tapes and belts. Combining mobility and cold weather resistance, finished in a fashionable jacket of a tight silhouette.”
Of course you can’t have the jacket without those sweet Assault pants (don’t judge, that’s what they’re called):

There’s also tee-shirts, figures, and even a cool looking bomber jacket as well! You can find all of this and more right here over in the retailer’s online store, making these the perfect way to show off that Resident Evil love before the second game’s remake comes out!
Resident Evil 2 Not-the-Remake will be arriving for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on January 25th. Need a little catching up? Check out more information about the original game below:
“If the suspense doesn’t kill you, something else will! Something is desperately wrong in Raccoon City. A muta-genic virus has broken loose and the entire town is infested. Blood-thirsty zombies, hideous mutations now overwhelm the community. When Leon and Claire arrive in town, their nightmare is just beginning…Now, you control their destiny in this survival horror classic.”