Sega Genesis Collection Coming To PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC This May

UPDATE: It looks like the trailer has been taken down, possibly at Sega's request -- and that [...]

Sega Genesis 2
(Photo: SegaNerds)

UPDATE: It looks like the trailer has been taken down, possibly at Sega's request -- and that means we might have an official announcement soon. In the meantime, it's included in the embedded tweet below.

ORIGINAL STORY: For years, Genesis has been doing what Nintendon't (this was earlier back in the gaming era, before they joined up), but now it's bringing back its old-school vibes to Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Thanks to our friends at SegaNerds, we've learned that Sega Genesis Collection will be coming to these systems, as well as PC, on May 29. As you can see from the trailer above, the compilation gives you the opportunity to relive your 16-bit gaming days, with a number of classics at your fingertips! UPDATE: The game is now available to pre-order.

The game looks to be set up similarly to the Sega Genesis + Mega Drive Collection for PC, in which you'll be sitting in a classic gaming room, picking from a variety of titles that are on your shelf. The games haven't been entirely confirmed yet, but there appear to be a number of favorites going into the collection.

Sega Genesis 3
(Photo: SegaNerds)

Based on the trailer, we can tell you that some of the Sonic the Hedgehog games will easily make the cut, along with Streets of Rage (and possibly its subsequent sequels); Ristar, the Golden Axe games; the Treasure shoot-em-up Gunstar Heroes; the arcade favorite Altered Beast, ToeJam and Earl (and more than likely, the Panic On Funkotron sequel); the puzzle game Columns, and various others. Judging by the collection included with Sega Genesis + Mega Drive Collection, we'll have a wide assortment to choose from. (Over 50, in fact!)

The game should also support a number of other features, including online leaderboards, video options and maybe even interviews. Sega hasn't issued a press release yet, but we should know more about the game shortly.

Now the only question (besides "where is the Nintendo Switch version", obviously) is what the price will be around. The Sega Genesis + Mega Drive Collection currently goes for around $20 or so, and that means it's possible the PS4 and Xbox One versions will follow suit. We should have confirmation from Sega shortly, so we'll bring you the information once it's officially confirmed.

Sega Genesis
(Photo: SegaNerds)

For now, enjoy the first look at the cover art, and prepare to yell, "Genesis! Does!" all over again.

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