Silent Hill 2 Remake Developer Clarifies Release Date Speculation

Bloober Team, the developer behind the upcoming remake of Konami's Silent Hill 2, has released a new statement to clarify recent comments associated with the game's release date. Within the past week, Bloober Team's president shared an update on Silent Hill 2 that seemed to imply that the remake's arrival could be right around the corner. As we've now learned, though, this doesn't seem to be the case after all. 

In a messaged released via Bloober Team's official Twitter account, the studio made clear that Silent Hill 2 is not "ready for release." When referring back to last week's comments from the company president, Bloober Team said that this message that was shared wasn't properly translated. As such, Silent Hill 2 isn't "technically ready" as fans were previously led to believe in a past report. 

"It is also not true that we have announced that Silent Hill 2 is ready for release," Bloober Team said simply. "Regardless of the development stage, all of our activities are focused on obtaining the highest quality for the finished product -- the quality that fans of Silent Hill 2 deserve. We are aware that players are waiting for more information about Silent Hill 2. As soon as such information becomes available, we are sure that Konami, the publisher for the game, will share it with fans."

At this point in time, it's still not known when this remake of Silent Hill 2 will actually arrive. When Konami announced the project last year, it didn't provide a launch window of any sort for the game. Outside of broadly confirming its release for PlayStation 5 and PC, little else is known about what this new iteration of Silent Hill 2 will entail. In all likelihood, more details should end up arriving in the weeks and months ahead, but for now, we're left waiting. 

When do you happen to think that this remake of Silent Hill 2 will finally end up dropping? And what do you think about the game based on what's been shown so far? Let me know either down in the comments or message me on Twitter at @MooreMan12