The upcoming live-action Sonic the Hedgehog movie received its first official trailer earlier, unveiling the first official look at the popular blue speedster as well as the infamous Dr. Robotnik, who is being played by Jim Carrey. While the Internet may be up in arms over the design of the character, it would appear that Google hasn’t forgotten about the iconic Sonic video games of yesteryear. That is likely why they have placed a fun little Easter egg in the search results when someone goes looking for the Sonic the Hedgehog video game.
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Of course, there have been many Sonic games over the years, but it’s the first one for the Sega Genesis that Google settled on. The way to find the Easter egg is fairly simple. Just search “Sonic the Hedgehog video game” on Google, and boom, the popular 16-bit version of the character will appear on the screen. He’ll tap his foot while waiting for you to do something, and if left untouched, he’ll just lay down due to you likely staring at him.
However, if you click Sonic, he’ll do his usual spin accompanied by the noise from the Sega Genesis game. If you would like to take things a bit further, repeatedly click him. If you do this fast enough, he’ll transform into Super Sonic, which is surely a treat for fans of the original games.
This is undoubtedly a play by Google to line up with the release of the trailer for the live-action Sonic the Hedgehog movie, which stars Ben Schwartz as the titular speedster. The film is set to open in theaters later this year on November 8th, and you can read more about it right here.
What do you think about all of this? Are you excited about the live-action Sonic the Hedgehog movie, or are you concerned about the design that they went with? Does the neat little Google Easter egg make you want to play the original video games? Sound off in the comment section below, or feel free to hit me up over on Twitter @anarkE7!
Thanks, Screen Rant.
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