Some 'Spider-Man' PS4 Ending Videos Being Blocked By YouTube

If you’re expecting to cheat and see the ending for Spider-Man on PlayStation 4, you might not [...]

Spider-Man PS4

If you're expecting to cheat and see the ending for Spider-Man on PlayStation 4, you might not be able to find what you're looking for right away -- if at all.

It appears that a number of users are seeing their videos blocked on YouTube, and a lot of them relate to sharing the final boss battle from Insomniac Games' hit game.

We've seen a number of those complaints from folks on Twitter, including the tweets below:

As for what Insomniac Games said on the matter, you can see what they had to say in the tweet below:

As far as reasoning goes, it appears part of it has to do with a licensed song. A report from Gaming Access Weekly suggests that the song "The Mastermind," which is on the soundtrack, is featured with this battle, thus leading to some content being removed.

That doesn't explain every case as to why Spider-Man videos are being blocked, as other users have complained about their videos being removed. Now, some do feature other parts of the game, and some enter possible spoiler territory, but licensing definitely has a hand in some Let's Play videos being either blocked or de-monetized.

We'll let you know if we hear anything further from Insomniac Games or YouTube on the matter. For the time being however, if you are playing the game in a Let's Play fashion, maybe mute the soundtrack if you can.

Oh, and if you want to see the ending of the game, honestly, just play it for yourself. Spider-Man on PlayStation 4 is a beautiful ride from beginning to end, and it's worth it to progress to the end naturally. It's very rewarding, so stick with it.

Spider-Man is available now on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro.