
Super Beat Sports Gets Release Date, New Live-Action Trailer

Ever want to play tennis with what looks to be a sandwich? Hey, maybe you can try playing with […]

Ever want to play tennis with what looks to be a sandwich? Hey, maybe you can try playing with your lunch, but not mine. Anyway, it looks like someone’s more than happy to do that with the new trailer for Super Beat Sports, the latest effort from the developers behind the Rock Band series, Harmonix.

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The team announced that the compilation would be released for Nintendo Switch soon enough, set to arrive on October 12th. It’s a five-pack of mini-games that revolve around rhythm-based activities, including Net Ball, Whacky Bat, Rhythm Racket, Buddy Ball and Gobble Goff. It’s unknown which activity is being shown in the trailer (it’s based on tennis), but more than likely, it’s Rhythm Racket.

The trailer also provides a quick glimpse at how the gameplay for the game works, as you set up shots based on what your opponents throw your way, as well as executing a powerful shot to win the round. It’s all very vibrant and happy, which would make the title quite suitable for players of all ages.

Super Beat Sports also has a number of features that fans are sure to be hits with fans, including multiplayer with up to three friends (supporting a total of four in all), horizontal and vertical Joy-Con controls for each game, and various difficulty levels to choose from, in case you’re seeking a challenge. There’s also bonus costumes that you can unlock in the game, though we haven’t seen them all in action yet.

The developer hasn’t announced pricing yet, but this game is likely to go for a pretty good price, like maybe $15 or so. We’ll let you know once it’s finalized.

Harmonix has been keeping quite busy with DLC for its Rock Band 4 game, as well as its Dropmix remixing project, so it’s great to see it’s taking the time to create a fun music-based game for Switch owners to enjoy. We’ll let you know how the final game fares shortly following its release.

But for now, definitely save some space on your system for musical bliss โ€“ and playing tennis with your sandwich. (Yes, yours โ€“ we’re eating ours.)