The Elder Scrolls 6 Could Still Release on PS5

The Elder Scrolls 6 may not end up being an Xbox exclusive.

Xbox boss Phil Spencer was once again asked about the exclusivity of The Elder Scrolls 6, and he has once again opted against providing a clearcut answer, leaving the door open for PlayStation fans hoping to play the game on PS5, PS6, or whatever the PlayStation console is at the time of its release. The Skyrim follow-up finally began production this month after sitting in pre-production for years, in the backseat, while Bethesda Game Studios focused on Starfield. Unfortunately, this means the long-awaited RPG is still years away, and it also means we will suffer through a few more years of Xbox refusing to provide clarity on whether the game will be exclusive to Xbox consoles. 

"We look at it on a case-by-case basis with the games that we build," said Spencer when asked if it will be an Xbox exclusive. "We want to make sure our games are available in so many different places... on our Xbox consoles, on PC, also via cloud, these games can come to almost any web-enabled device.

Spencer continued: "We're looking at millions and millions of players who will have access to Starfield and other Xbox Game Studios games. It's really about giving players choice around how they want to play and they build their library of games."

So, why is Spencer beating around the bush every time he's asked this question? Well, it's the smart business thing to do. For one, it's a constant cycle of free press for the game. Two, there's no point making a commitment that could change. For all we know by the time the game releases, Xbox Game Pass is on PlayStation consoles. If this happens then The Elder Scrolls 6 will be on PS5. Leaving as many door opens as possible saves you the headache of having to reverse course later and, of course, there are a million variables at play we don't know about.

Whatever the explanation is, Spencer continues to avoid providing a straight-to-the-point, concrete answer on the subject. And until he does, some PlayStation fans will continue to cling onto the chance that they won't need to buy an Xbox or build a gaming PC to play the RPG.