The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 Takes Place In The Same Hyrule

Last week, Nintendo teased and even revealed a debut trailer for a sequel to The Legend of Zelda: [...]

Last week, Nintendo teased and even revealed a debut trailer for a sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which is presumably a few years away. As you will know, another mainline Zelda game was always a safe bet, but only sometimes do specific Zelda titles get direct sequels. That said, Breath of the Wild was so popular that perhaps it should come as no surprise it will be getting the sequel treatment. And as the trailer alluded to -- but didn't confirm -- the sequel will take place in the same Hyrule, and presumably feature the same map in some capacity.

"One of the reasons we wanted to create a continuation was because I wanted to revisit that Hyrule again and use that world again, while incorporating new gameplay and new story," said series producer Eiji Aonuma while speaking to Game Informer.

As you can see, Aonuma is indeed returning for the sequel, but that was always a given. Meanwhile, the previous game's director, Hidemario Fujibayashi, is also returning in the same role. According to Aonuma, both are working really hard on the sequel. That said, we still may not see the sequel for awhile. When asked whether Aonuma was giving himself more time to make the sequel than he did for Majora's Mask (which was created in less than a year), Aonuma suggested that while the team is working hard, they won't be working THAT hard.

"When I was making Majora's Mask, the timeline was in a year," said Aonuma. "I was a little stubborn and I was going to make it from scratch and was really gung ho, but it turns out the staff was a little tired from that process. I've learned to give myself plenty of time. You don't want to do it that way or else you'll get white hair like me."

At the moment of publishing, there's no word of a release date, but hopefully we will see and learn more next E3. Given that the game is a sequel and not a completely brand-new Zelda, should mean the turnaround will be quicker, but I'm sure Nintendo will give Aonuma and co. all the time they need.