Final Space Creator Reveals New Series The Lion's Blaze Has Been Picked Up

Nashville native Olan Rogers has been hard at work for the past couple of years on Cartoon [...]

Nashville native Olan Rogers has been hard at work for the past couple of years on Cartoon Network's Final Space, a space epic following Gary Godspeed, a character he voices. The show ended up being the creator's first big pitch to get picked up and now, he already has a second show in the works. Sunday afternoon, Rogers took to Instagram to share the news with fans that The Lion's Blaze has now also been picked up by a network. The Lion's Blaze first materialized as a ten-minute animated pilot uploaded to YouTube in 2017 and now, it would appear the project will be transformed into a full-blown series.

The Lion's Blaze follows four friends that find themselves trapped inside of an arcade game for a whopping 15 years. Eventually, one of the four friends dies during a dragon-killing quest, leaving the remaining trio left scrambling to pick up the pieces. As fate would have it, the pilot perfectly sets up an epic genre-spanning fantasy quest ripe for an Adult Swim-type setup. That said, Rogers didn't reveal which home the series will have in his initial Instagram post.

"Actually made a few executives tear up with this pitch, I did too," Rogers revealed in his heartfelt Instagram post. "5 places ended wanting it. It's a very emotional journey about friendship. My hope was to get something else going so I can keep working with all the amazing people from Final Space between seasons. Thanks for all the support on this bad boy."

Despite lower ratings, Final Space has gone on to become a cult classic among fans, especially after a switch from TBS to Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block. The show's second season wrapped up earlier this month a days after the finale, Rogers took to social media to a tease a third season. Rogers confirmed in an interview with he has around six seasons of content planned for his space epic.

"Yeah, I think it's around there. Like it's a solid six seasons of ideas," Rogers told us. "I know we have pretty much a solid Season Three thought out but whatever happens with that, I don't know. Hopefully, it manifests but I think it's really kind of around that sixth season mark where it's like this would be a good ending spot, but if we want to stretch it, we could."

Have you seen Final Space yet? Were you aware of The Lion's Blaze pilot floating around online? Share your thoughts in the comments below or by tweeting me at @AdamBarnhardt!