
The Sims 4 Made One Relationship Type Worse Than in Previous Games

The Sims 4 needs to update this relationship type.

The Sims 4 is massive, especially when you compare it to previous variations of the game. Considering The Sims 4 has been receiving expansions for over 10 years now, it’s not surprising that it includes much more content than any other entry. As a result, you see a lot more subtle details that impact daily life included in this version of the game that was absent before. For example, Growing Together added more nuance to relationships in The Sims 4. However, there’s still content missing from The Sims 4 that should’ve been added by this point, and among that missing content is making actual enemies with Sims.

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You can make enemies in The Sims 4, but like neighborhoods, that feature is weaker than it was in The Sims 3 and earlier. A Sim being your enemy in The Sims 4 doesn’t make a meaningful difference. At most, it seems like being around an enemy just leads to arguing and the Sims leaving in an angry mood. While it’s not as frustrating as it used to be, enemies also aren’t as fun because of it.

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When you had a Sim who was enemies with your Sim in previous games, they were truly out to get your Sim. They would go out of their way to antagonize your Sim. It could be frustrating, of course, but it was also much more fun than the way that enemies are in The Sims 4. If you revisited The Sims 1 or The Sims 2 with their new legacy collections, then you might’ve noticed this difference in the way that enemies act, too.

Having enemies without consequences fits with the ongoing theme of The Sims 4 making the majority of its features easier than previous games. However, that can be boring for some players, or even end up feeling unrealistic since enemies are more like Sims who are apathetic towards your Sims instead of being out to sabotage them the way that you would expect an enemy to be.

The problem is always that there’s likely a section of players who are happy not having to worry about their Sim’s relationships with other Sims when that bar starts dropping too low, especially since trying to reverse an enemy relationship is difficult at best. However, it does feel like there are no consequences for making enemies in The Sims 4 at this moment, and that’s rather disappointing for a game that simulates life. After all, rocky relationships and having people dislike you are parts of life, so it’s only natural that they should be included in the most popular life simulator.