
The Witcher 4 Combat Will Make Big Changes With Ciri From Geralt

Ciri will fight differently in The Witcher 4.

The Witcher 4 Geralt and Ciri

While fans of The Witcher series have grown to know and love the protagonist, Geralt of Rivea, The Witcher 4 is shifting focus to Cirilla, otherwise known as Ciri, whom many consider to be the true protagonist of the series due to her importance. The Witcher 4 plans to do much more than provide a new playable character. Players can expect a new story, new locations, and of course, new monsters. However, one of the biggest changes will be how players engage and fight these monsters, as Ciri and Geralt have different fighting styles. Still, it remains to be seen exactly how Ciri will fight compared to Geralt in The Witcher 4.

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Geralt has been the main playable character for the first three games, and his fighting style is clearly that of a Witcher. Ciri, while trained by Geralt, was never a Witcher until The Witcher 4, so it makes sense to see a difference in their fighting styles.

Ciri in the witcher 4.

Pawel Burza, the senior communications manager at CD Projekt RED discussed these differences with the AnsweRED podcast. Burza makes note of how nimble and agile Ciri is, referencing a somersault she uses to finish off an enemy after pinning it to the ground.

This isn’t to say Geralt wasn’t nimble, as he was far quicker than any normal man. However, Burza differentiates Geralt and Ciri by saying, โ€œHeโ€™s nimble, but he feels like a block in some sense. Sheโ€™s like liquid compared to him.โ€ Burza also points out she “moves like she was raised by wolves in Kaer Morhen,โ€ further emphasizing Ciri’s abilities.

One of the biggest questions for The Witcher 4 is how CD Projekt RED will handle Ciri’s Elder Blood and how powerful she is. Fans were given a brief opportunity to play as Ciri in The Witcher 3. While this gives a hint as to what her playstyle will be like, CD Projekt RED will likely have to change things up to make the game more challenging.

ciri and geralt in the witcher 3.

One popular theory is that Ciri underwent the Trial of the Grasses and thus lost her Elder Blood powers. She is seen using more powerful magic in the announcement trailer than Geralt is capable of. CD Projekt RED already confirmed that Ciri had to be nerfed for The Witcher 4, but it remains to be seen how much her powers were toned down.

Many understand that the nerfs were necessary, but there will always be a base that wishes she remained at full strength for The Witcher 4. Players may be able to recover some of her power, perhaps even all of it while playing. A Ciri at full strength would be incredible at the end game, or even in a new game+. Regardless, fans should expect an improvement in combat and for Ciri to at least echo some of Geralt’s fighting style, bringing a mix of the familiar and new.