
The Witcher Showrunner Teases Season 3 Will Fix Major Problem With Season 2


The Witcher debuted back in 2019, and the first season was largely pretty well received. Critics didn’t love the first seaosn of the adaptation, but many fans were receptive to it and it brought in new people that the books and games hadn’t previously reached. Most of this success was thrown down the drain with the second season. Many — especially fans of the series — were very critical of Season 2, largely for how far it deviates from the source material in several major ways. Then it was revealed Henry Cavill, who plays the protagonist Geralt of Rivia, was leaving after the third season. This didn’t help the growing negativity engulfing the TV adaptation.ย 

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One of the more common specific complaints aimed at Season 2 was Yennefer. The writer’s room opted to deviate from the source material a lot in Season 2, and Yennefer may be the biggest example of this. We won’t get into spoilers, but she does some things and acts in ways that aren’t very reminiscent of the character from the books. And fans didn’t like these changes, and this hasn’t changed.ย 

To this end, showrunner Lauren Hissrich has has acknowledged she has received feedback about Yennefer in Season 2, suggesting it has become a “story problem” that will presumably be solved in Season 3, or at least that will be the attempt.ย 

“‘How could you do that to these characters?’ ‘They’ll never be able to forgive her.’ Well, that just becomes a story problem for us,”said Hissrich.

As you would expect, this is the extent that Hissrich had to say about the matter. To this end, many Witcher fans remain skeptical, not just about Yennefer’s arc but the show in general. These doubts started to manifest with Season 2 and really kicked in when the Cavill news broke. Not only was Cavill the best part of the show, but he bridged the show and fans with his own huge fandom of the series and the character he was playing. With him now gone fans are worried the show will deviate from the source material even more.

H/T, EW via Redanian Intelligence.