UPDATE: So much for that dream. The stuntman in question, Neff, recently chatted with PCGamesN about these rumors, and has distanced himself from what’s now being deemed as faked resumes. “That isn’t my page, account or résumé. I don’t even know that website. I worked on GTA 5 a long time ago and haven’t done anything since. Sorry for the confusion. It seems I’m being trolled online really badly.”
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Guess we’re still waiting, guys…
ORIGINAL: We’ve reported rumors in the past regarding Rockstar Games’ Grand Theft Auto 6, which has yet to be officially confirmed – probably because Grand Theft Auto V continues to be such a best-seller. That said, a new resume has appeared online that suggests Rockstar Games is working on the sequel – which isn’t a total shock, but there it is.
A user over on NeoGAF was able to find the resume of Tim Neff, who works as a stunt actor for a number of different performances. He’s listed quite a few works on his resume, which can be found over on iStunt.com and Resumes Breakdown Express, and they both indicate that he’s not only done motion capture work for the forthcoming Red Dead Redemption 2, but that he’s also put in work for Grand Theft Auto 6, which sits at the very top of the resume.
The listing doesn’t indicate much – all we pretty much see is the title of the game and its team over at Rockstar Games, so he doesn’t let on exactly which character he’s doing work for. Still, this is really the first “official” proof (if you can call it that) in quite a while that points at Rockstar officially moving forward with the GTA saga. But considering that the publisher still hasn’t said anything – and probably won’t until well after Red Dead Redemption 2 is on store shelves and doing its “thing” next year – take it with a grain of salt.
That said, some actors do like to list the work they’ve done for a project, though some usually leave it off their resume until the game is actually out, so they can match up something and show they actually worked on it. (Also, there’s that thing about embargoes or NDA’s with some of them.) We’ll have to see what comes of this, but it sounds like a safe bet that Rockstar really wants the Grand Theft Auto party to continue, considering that part V has become one of the biggest sellers (if not the biggest) in gaming history.
We’ll let you know once more official information comes our way.