Valheim's Latest Hotfix Addresses Several Lingering Issues, Full Patch Notes

New Valheim hotfix irons out a few controller issues and much more.

Since launching in early access in 2021, Valheim has been a major success for developer Iron Gate Studio. The game might not have reached its 1.0 version, but Valheim provides a ton of content for players to dive into, and the team is constantly updating the early access build. Today, Iron Gate dropped another hotfix, this time addressing several smaller issues that have been plaguing the Valheim community for a bit. That includes a few fixes for specific controllers to make sure they're functioning properly and not ruining your latest conquest.

The biggest controller issue that's been ironed out is that anyone using a PlayStation controller on a PC will now have a properly functioning touchpad button. Previously, it was trying to do two things at once, but that's been ironed out. They've also fixed some issues with keybinds and gotten the D-pad working properly on the Steam Deck. Of course, those are just a few of the more specific issues that have been fixed in the latest update. You can find a full list of the hotfix patch notes below.

Valheim Hotfix 0.217.30 Patch Notes

We have a further list of hotfixes for you today!

  • Fixed an issue where text would not load correctly if computer name uses non-english characters
  • Fixed and issue where the character orientation does not update when interacting with objects
  • Fixed an issue where the touchpad on PS controllers sometimes opens pause and map menu at the same time
  • Fixed an issue with custom keybinds for build menu can't close the build menu
  • Fixed an issue where the Steam Deck D-pad/left trackpad does not not always registering input in GUI
  • Fixed an issue when exiting pause menu, characters may jump depending on controller layout
  • Fixed an issue where merchant shield stops functioning after re-logging

When is Valheim Coming Out of Early Access?

As mentioned, Valheim is currently still in early access, and it doesn't seem like it'll be launching its 1.0 build anytime soon. On Steam, the developers say, "We don't know," when asked how long Valheim will be in early access. They go on to say, "We're currently working on our seventh biome, the Ashlands, and after that, we have one more to complete (the Deep North) before we'll consider the game to be version 1.0. It's a pretty safe bet to say that Valheim will be in active development for at least another two years (counting from January 2023)."

Considering fans are still waiting for the Ashlands biome to drop almost a year after that last update, it seems like the team might even miss that 2025 timeline. That said, the team does stay in consistent communication with the playerbase, so it's not something that's in danger of dying out before it can fully launch. It's just going to be a long time before Valheim is ready for its big day in the sun.