'The Waylanders' Revealed, A Magical RPG Experience Inspired by Dragon Age: Origins

For those that adored Mike Laidlaw's work on Dragon Age: Origins from BioWare, there's a new [...]

For those that adored Mike Laidlaw's work on Dragon Age: Origins from BioWare, there's a new fantasy adventure that awaits. The Waylanders comes from the Spanish studio Gato Salvaje where Laidlaw was brought in as the creative director. Though the game is still in pre-alpha form, we've got our first look at what the new RPG journey has for fans of all things magic.

The Waylanders will have players transported during a time where Christianity has "supplanted" Celtic history. "The Waylanders takes inspiration from the Celtic Mythological Cycle, a rich tapestry that deals with Ireland but also the Celtic region of Brigantia on the north coast of modern-day Spain," the studio told PC Gamer.

With a heavy theme of reincarnation, the companions will be extremely versed in Celtic culture. "When our main character travels to the Middle Ages, we will have to look for our companions and wake them up. They will be reincarnated in other people, and we'll have to wake them up, but as they are in the middle ages. Only the main character will be able to time travel—our companions won't. [The companions] can be completely different people, though from the moment you wake them up, they'll remember what they did in the Celtic period. But they could be an important warrior in the Celtic period, then a housekeeper in the Middle Ages. That can be very funny, and very useful for the narrative."

Much like Origins and Neverwinter, players will go on an adventured filled with important questlines and world involvement. Those issues handled in the Celtic period will also affect the Middle Ages and players will find themselves often jumping between the two time points.

The Waylanders will offer six classes to choose from which will be important when dealing with party formation. "It's not just a way to form the party to move around the scenario, but we want to give deeper tactical options to the game," the studio explained. "So you can use different types of formations in every [instance] of combat, so you have multiple options to finish your mission, faster or not-so-fast. Those tactical options are always available to the players. So you can use formations for different purposes. You can use a phalanx, for example, or an orb, or an arrow formation. We'll have up to twelve different ones in the game. We will offer very deep tactical gameplay. It will be very easy to change from formations to the normal party, so you can try different options."

We unfortunately don't have a release date at this time, but the team is hoping for an early 2020 launch.

Source: PC Gamer, via DFTG