
Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition Metacritic Score Revealed (And It Tops the Original)

It looks like gamers are going to enjoy the Xenoblade Chronicles X Nintendo Switch remaster.

Xenoblade Chronicles X Metacritic

The Definitive Edition of Xenoblade Chronicles X arrives on March 20th, which means that reviews for the remaster officially went live today. The game was originally released for the Wii U back in 2015, and it’s ringing in its 10th year with a remaster full of improvements and new content. And so far, reviews for Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition are looking good, with the Metacritic score poised to top the original. For those who feared the remaster wouldn’t live up to expectations, the impressive rating should put some of your concerns to rest.

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Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition currently boasts an 88 Metacritic Score as early reviews go live. That puts it on the higher end of the “Generally Favorable” tier, with reviewers noting that the Nintendo Switch remaster really does add meaningful new content and solid quality-of-life updates. Compared with other recently re-released titles like the controversial Nintendo Switch port of MySims and My Sims: Kingdoms, which did little to improve the experience of the original DS titles, that’s pretty high praise.

With many remasters falling short of the original, it’s impressive to note that Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition actually tops the Metacritic Score of the original Xenoblade Chronicles X, which has an 84 rating. While still admirable, this showing suggests that the remaster actually does improve the mechanics and story of the first game. That’s not always the case, with some re-releases doing little more than putting a thin veneer over the older title.

Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Might Live Up to the Name with QoL Improvements and New Content

While the old complaints that the open world can be overwhelming to some remain, many reviews praise the remaster for truly taking the time to improve upon its predecessor. Key improvements include a better tutorial, improved navigation, and cleaner visuals. This goes alongside newly added content including new characters and an entire new story chapter to make Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition live up to the promise its name provides.

RELATED: Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Reveals Details On Its New Story

Some highlights include better distribution of XP for party members, including inactive ones, and making it easier to increase party member Affinity. Gamers can also enjoy better quest tracking, making that expansive open world a little bit easier to navigate along with the improved Frontier Nav. If the Metacritic Score is any indication, these quality-of-life updates truly do improve upon the experience while still retaining the original heart of Xenoblade Chronicles X. As the Nintendo Switch 2’s release date approaches, many reviews note that this remaster will make an excellent swan song for the older console.

Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition releases on March 20th for the Nintendo Switch. You can get an overview of everything new offered in the remastered version of the game here. As of now, there are no confirmed plans to bring the game to other platforms.

Are you excited to jump into the remaster of Xenoblade Chronicles X now that you’ve seen early reviews? Let us know in the comments below!