This past Friday Nintendo delivered The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild‘s difficult new The Master Trials DLC. For those who may have forgotten what it includes, here’s a quick refresher:
Videos by ComicBook.com
“More adventures await in The Master Trials pack! By completing the Trial of the Sword challenge, Link will prove that he has grown worthy, and the Master Sword will be awakened to always be in its glowing, powered-up state while usable. Meanwhile, Master Mode ups the challenge, Hero’s Path mode tracks 200 hours of footsteps on the map, the Travel Medallion creates a warp point, eight new armor items offer unique effects, and the Korok Mask helps locate Koroks.”
Sounds like a pretty solid package, right? But wait – you’ve paid for and downloaded the DLC, but you don’t have any of your stuff! That’s because Zelda: Breath of the Wild takes a Dark Souls-esque approach to DLC. Your swag doesn’t just show up in your inventory, you actually have to go out and find it. Thankfully, we’ve put together a handy-dandy guide so you can actually get your hands on all the stuff you just paid for…

Phantom Armor
Based on the intimidating enemies from The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, the Phantom Armor gives you a hearty attack boost. The Phantom Set is made up of three pieces — the base armor can be found in a chest in Sacred Ground Ruins, which lies in the middle of Hyrule Field south of the Castle Town Ruins. The greaves are near the Hyrule Garrison Ruins in the southwest section of Hyrule Field. There should be the remnants of a house containing a Guardian clutching a treasure chest nearby – user Magnesis to grab the chest. Finally, the Phantom Helmet can be found in the Coliseum Ruins. Just head in the front door, turn to the right, and the chest should be right there.

Tingle’s Outfit
Have no shame? Then this beauty’s for you. Tingle’s Outfit gives you increased speed at night, and freaks out all the NPCs in the game. The Tingle Set also consists of three pieces – his shirt is in a buried chest in the Castle Town Prison, which is located on the island to the west of Hyrule Castle. Tingle’s tights are found under a dead Guardian in the Mabe Village Ruins in the southeast section of Hyrule Field. Finally, Tingle’s hood is in a buried chest in the Exchange Ruins in southwest Hyrule Field.

Korok Mask
One of the more helpful new pieces of gear, the Korok Mask rattles when you’re near one of the forest dwellers, meaning you may actually have a chance of collecting all 900 of them and earning yourself a crappy prize. The mask is hidden in a tree in the Lost Woods, but, of course, that’s an easy place to get turned around in. Start at the two torches in the middle of the woods, then head left, using your Magnesis ability to detect which tree contains the metal chest. You may get turned around a time or two, but you’ll get it eventually.

Majora’s Mask
Sorry, this one doesn’t turn you into Fierce Deity Link or anything cool – it just makes minor enemies ignore you, which will admittedly save you some grief. This item is found right near the beginning of the game in the Garrison Ruins near Lake Kolomo. Just search around a the ruins a bit, and you’ll find the chest.

Midna’s Helmet
Again, this won’t turn you into a wolf or anything neat, but it does have a pretty hefty defense rating and provides extra protection against Guardians. To the west of Hyrule Field you’ll find the partially submerged Sage Temple Ruins. Look around for a bit and you’ll find the chest, as it isn’t hidden.

Travel Medallion
Okay, now this one is useful – the Travel Medallion lets you create a quick travel point wherever you want. That should really be a basic feature, don’t you think? Anyways, this puppy is a bit out of the way – head to the Akkala region in the far northeast corner of the map, then traverse the Lomei Labyrinth off the coast (it looks like a small rectangular island on the map). Near the Tu Ka’loh Shrine in the northwest corner of the labyrinth you’ll find a large air shaft – jump down it, and you’ll find yourself in a room packed with Guardians. Eep! The chest with the Travel Medallion is found in the north end of the room.

Trial of the Sword
The Master Trials‘ toughest challenge – a punishing 45-level Shrine that starts you off in just your underwear! Beat it and your Master Sword will be in a powered-up state at all times. In order to access the Trial of the Sword, you first need to have acquired the Master Sword, which means collecting at least 13 heart containers. Once you’ve got the Sword, just return it to its pedestal in the Lost Woods to give the trial a spin.
Phew! Just finding all Breath of the Wild‘s new DLC is an adventure unto itself! Hopefully this helped you get your goodies just a little bit quicker.
You can check out all WWG’s The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild coverage, right here.