Fans going to see The First Purge should make sure to sit through at least half of the end credits, as there are two mid-credits scenes included with the film – including one that does something that may be unprecedented in history of movies.
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Welcome to The Purge
The first mid-credits of The First Purge ties the prequel back to the original series of films, with shady Chief of Staff to the New Founding Fathers, Arlo Sabian (Patch Darragh), announcing that a nation-wide Purge could be up net, after the success of the Staten Island “experiment” (which Sabian himself manufactured). It’s nothing too unusual for a prequel post-credits scene – but what follows certainly is.
The Purge TV Series

The second mid-credits scene sees a man using a machine to work on a piece of metal, which is revealed to be a terrifying mask, in what is preparation for the next Purge. This teaser is for the upcoming 10-part Purge TV series that will air on USA Network starting September 4th – which may be the first time a movie has been used to advertise an upcoming TV series.
The Purge franchise comes from James DeMonaco, who has stayed involved with every installment of the film franchise, and is also overseeing this TV series. Since The Purge comes from one creative shepherd, it’s not all that surprising to see it cross-promoting over both TV and movie platforms – especially for those filmgoers who love the franchise, but are still unaware that the TV series is coming. Even if viewers don’t stay in the theater to see it, the buzz that this scene is generating already will be its own form of marketing.
It’s an interesting strategy, and one wonders if it’s not one that other franchises (namely Marvel) should adopt. There’s been such pointed separation between the TV and movie divisions of Marvel (and all the studio legalities that come with them), that using the movies to promote the shows has been a non-starter, as Collider points out. Meanwhile, the horror genre continues to break new ground – and earn strong profits, if the preview night box office for The First Purge is any indication.
The First Purge is now in theaters; The Purge TV Series premieres on USA and SyFy on September 4th.