Earlier this week, the first trailer for The Watchers starring Dakota Fanning was released. The new film marks the feature directorial debut of M. Night Shyamalan’s daughter, Ishana Night Shyamalan. The movie was originally set to be released on June 7th, but it was announced today that it has been pushed back a week. That could be because Lionsgate’sย The Crow recently moved to that date, and New Line Cinema might not want to compete with the horror remake. According to The Hollywood Reporter‘s Borys Kit, The Watchers will now be released in theaters on June 14th.ย
Videos by ComicBook.com
The Watchersย stars Dakota Fanning (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,ย Ocean’s Eight), Georgina Campbell (Barbarian,ย Suspicion), Oliver Finnegan (Creeped Out,ย Outlander), and Olwen Fouere (The Northman,ย The Tourist). The film is produced by M. Night Shyamalan, Ashwin Rajan, and Nimitt Mankad. The executive producers are Jo Homewood and Stephen Dembitzer.
The Watchersย is based on a novel by A.M. Shine, and follows an artist (Fanning) named Mina “who gets stranded in an expansive, untouched forest in western Ireland.” Mina eventually finds shelter, but she “unknowingly becomes trapped alongside three strangers who are watched and stalked by mysterious creatures each night.”ย
The Crowย Producer Says Movie Could Launch Extended Universe:
The Crowย producer Sam Pressman recently spoke toย Deadlineย about the upcoming project,ย and teased it will “blow people away.”
“The Crowย has been a very central and integral part of our company and I’m really proud of the progress and the work that has been done,” Pressman shared. “I think the movie is just going to blow people away. Our partners want to approach it in a very 360 way, whether it be video games, an animated series, or a universe, but it’s got this cosmic legacy that can expand beyond a singular story.”
Yesterday, fansย got the first glimpse at Bill Skarsgรฅrd in the film. However, some fans weren’t pleased with the updated look of Eric Draven, and many took to social media to compare him to Jared Leto’s Joker.ย
What upcoming horror movies are you most excited about?ย Tell us in the comments!ย