General Mills Monster Cereals are Officially Back for the Season

The calendar has officially flipped to September and day by day, we inch closer into spooky [...]

(Photo: General Mills)

The calendar has officially flipped to September and day by day, we inch closer into spooky season. This time every year — since at least 1971 — General Mills has rolled out their wildly-popular monster cereals to store shelves and this year is no different; cereal fiends are starting to notice favorites like Count Chocula, Boo Berry, and Franken Berry popping up at their local markets.

This year, General Mills partnered with MGM to help market the upcoming animated remake of The Addams Family, introducing new boxes for each of the cereal. In addition to the family of the film appearing on the boxes, marketing copy directs fans to, where they can download ten different Monster Cereals and Addams Family-themed pumpkin carving stencils.

(Photo: General Mills)

"With The Addams Family movie coming out in October, we wanted to partner because of the timeliness with Halloween," General Mills Brand Experience planner Sarah McCullough said in a press release. "We thought it would be a fun idea to offer stencils during a time when people are carving pumpkins. We created them so people can interact with our characters and the ones from The Addams Family."

On Twitter, @vincedorse was disgruntled with his local store for hiding the iconic cereal behind other items. "Why is my grocery store hiding the monster cereals in the back of the store behind the clearance junk?" he tweeted. "No respect for monsters."

Another cereal eater lobbied for General Mills to bring back Fruit Brute, one of the classic monster cereals discontinued after a brief return in 2013.

The Addams Family opens October 11th.

What's your favorite monster cereal? Are you disappointed General Mills discontinued Fruit Brute and Fruity Yummy Mummy? Share your thoughts in the comments below or by tweeting me at @AdamBarnhardt!