Taco Bell Has Started Its Own Business School

Before the calendar flipped to 2022, Taco Bell announced some major initiatives it wanted to take in the coming months. Now, the fast-food restaurant has revealed plans to launch its very own business school. Partnering with the University of Louisville's Yum! Center for Global Franchise Excellence, the Taco Bell Business School will serve as a series of classes—accredited classes, nonetheless—that Taco Bell employees can take.

In all, the Taco Bell Business School will be six weeks long and aims to turn top-performing restaurant leaders into franchisees and restaurant owners by providing entrepreneurial-related classes.

"We know that fast food jobs are often seen as stepping stones to other careers," Taco Bell chief executive Mark King said in a press release. "And we're trying to change that. Through the Taco Bell Business School, we want to show our ambitious restaurant leaders how their careers could flourish at Taco Bell and see opportunities they may not have previously considered. We want to make foundational changes that positively impact our diverse team members' growth. This program will teach them skills they need to climb the ladder – whether that's moving up to the next level or even owning their own franchise one day."

Those selected to participate in the program will be given scholarships to cover the costs of the program, and will receive internal recognition within the company. As of now, the program is only open to select Taco Bell employees and not to members of the general public.

The first Taco Bell Business School class begins next month.

"I believe that businesses and educational institutions have a responsibility to work together to break down barriers and create opportunities for those who wouldn't otherwise have them," added Kathy Gosser, Director of the Yum! Center for Global Franchise Excellence. "The close working relationship between Yum!, Taco Bell and the University of Louisville demonstrates the power of collaboration. Together we can help people learn new skills, fuel their entrepreneurial spirit and ultimately build a better future for generations."