Robert Downey Jr. Trolls Tom Holland About Spoiling Avengers: Endgame

It's no secret that Tom Holland is one of the biggest liabilities in the Marvel Cinematic Universe [...]

It's no secret that Tom Holland is one of the biggest liabilities in the Marvel Cinematic Universe when it comes to sharing spoilers. Other than Mark Ruffalo, there's no one in the franchise quite as bad about spilling the beans as Holland. With Avengers: Endgame finally hitting theaters this weekend, people are doing their best to dodge spoilers on social media, and Holland's on-screen mentor is trolling him a bit to make sure he keeps quiet.

On Friday afternoon, Robert Downey Jr. hopped on Twitter with a meme to talk a little trash to Holland. He knows that his young co-star has a hard time keeping spoilers to himself, so hopefully this little Spider-Man jab will keep Holland in check.

"Is this a shot of Tom Holland trying to keep himself from spoiling the Endgame beans," Downey asked in the tweet.

The image is taken from the old Spider-Man animated series, showing the web-slinger tying up the doppleganger version of himself. One Spidey has the other completely subdued, with text on the image that reads "Yeah that'll teach me."

Of course, given Holland's role as Spider-Man in the MCU, this is the perfect image to send his way. Not that Tom Holland would ever actually spoil the biggest movie in franchise history, but you never know.

If there's someone that needs to be kept in check it's Mark Ruffalo, who plays Bruce Banner in the MCU. Once you see Avengers: Endgame this weekend, you'll realize that Ruffalo actually let a substantial spoiler slip during the press tour for the film. We won't bring up what that was, but if you've already seen the movie you can click here to read what happened.

Have you been able to dodge Avengers: Endgame spoilers? Do you think any of the cast members will accidentally let something slip? Let us know in the comments!

Avengers: Endgame is now playing in theaters.


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