You can tell that production is getting close to beginning in earnest on Captain America: The Winter Soldier, becuase not only are ancillary roles beginning to be filled, but for the second time today, a message board poster has uploaded concept art for the film, obtained via the new Phase Two First Look on the Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One box set.While the first image, seen at right, appeared on the same site and at the same time as some Guardians of the Galaxy art we posted earlier today, the new images below appear to be our first clear look at both the titular Winter Soldier (played by Captain America: The First Avenger‘s Sebastian Stan) and Sam Wilson, better known as the Falcon (he’ll be played by Anthony Mackie).Also pictured – Captain America attacking a plane.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Falcon First Look
You can tell that production is getting close to beginning in earnest on Captain America: The […]