Marvel Creates New Website for Deadpool

In recent years, the Merc with a Mouth has become an integral and fan-favorite part of the Marvel [...]

In recent years, the Merc with a Mouth has become an integral and fan-favorite part of the Marvel Comics world, which has led to some pretty out-of-the-box comic interpretations. The latest iteration, which will hail from writer Kelly Thompson (Captain Marvel, West Coast Avengers) and artist Chris Bachalo (Uncanny X-Men, Amazing Spider-Man), will have Deadpool become the King of the Monsters, and it looks like he's promoting his new title in style. On Tuesday, Marvel debuted a new "Kingpool" landing page of their website, which contains a slew of details (some of which are slightly spoilery) surrounding the upcoming comic relaunch.

The page advertises the series' new "Monster Island", where Deadpool and a ragtag band of creatures will be residing. These range from "The Night Wolf", who apparently has been bitten by a "cursed human", to something called "Kholab the Pile", which is literally a pile of smaller monsters who unite together.

"I am a big fan of monsters in media, because they're cool as hell and give great opportunities for stories that both look and feel BIG," Thompson said in a recent interview with CBR. "But even more importantly they take the metaphorical and make it literal…and where Wade is concerned that's particularly relevant. Wade has worn so many different roles over the years and I think he's a character that really looks inward at himself…even if he pretends he doesn't. So being a King of Monsters brings up a lot of questions that you maybe don't want to examine for yourself…but probably should. So yeah, in between jokes and violence we'll be doing some serious existential darkness. Fun!"

You can check out the synopsis for Deadpool #1 below!




Deadpool is the merc for money and his latest target is THE KING OF THE MONSTERS!

When the monsters set up their new kingdom on the magical land of Staten Island, Deadpool's mission is to return control back to the people! Will Deadpool use his smooth charisma or deft diplomacy? Or will Wade just skip right to regicide?"

Deadpool #1 will arrive in stores this Wednesday.