Released earlier this year, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 was the final installment of James Gunn’s franchise, picking up the story of the team after the events of Avengers: Endgame and finding the heroes on a very different place in their journey — particularly in for Gamora. Played by Zoe Saldana, the Gamora fans first met in Vol. 1 died in Avengers: Infinity War only for a different version of the character to return in Endgame — one that was never part of the Guardians and never fell in love with Peter Quill. Gamora still ended up being a major part of the third and final Guardians film, but in the new Marvel Studios Assembled documentary about the film, Saldana reveals that she thought she would only appear in two scenes because of the status quo change for her character — but she was very grateful she got to play this new version of the character.
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“I’m surprised Gamora is in this installment as much because I immediately knew what had happened in Avengers and I was just like, well, it would be an honor to at least come for two scenes and then bid everyone farewell but I was deeply surprised and really grateful that I got to play, that Gamora really has a lot to do and a lot to sort of observe,” Saldana said. “The Gamora of Volume 1 will have a lot more in common with the Gamora of Volume 3 for sure. Even though they have these experiences lived, you know, with the other Gamora, they feel familiar to her, but she doesn’t understand why. So, it’s a very confusing concept for her. But I do find this Gamora very exciting because she’s very independent and she’s really wild. She’s different. There’s a spunk to her that Gamora never really had.”
The Guardians of the Galaxy Stars Also Reflected on Their Final MCU Appearances
The cast also reflected on their final appearances in the MCU during the documentary, taking the opportunity to tell fans how much the franchise meant to them.
“It’s a little sad but it’s also joyful,” Sean Gunn said . “I mean, who gets to do this, you know? Who gets to make something that audiences seem to love and that we can feel proud of and know that we put our hearts into it?”
Saldana added, “To live within the Marvel Universe has been nothing but a treat. It’s a part my legacy that I will so proudly take on with me.”
For Karen Gillan and Dave Bautista, they credited Guardians with launching their film careers — and changing their lives.
“This whole experience has enriched my life in so many different ways. It was the first big movie that I’d ever done and how lucky am I that it was as good a movie as Guardians of the Galaxy was? Not only that, but I was given this incredible character that I got to explore over the course of six films,” Gillan said.
“It’s the end of a journey for me because this started my career,” Bautista concluded. “It launched my career and it changed my life.”
What is Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 About?
“In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, our beloved band of misfits are settling into life on Knowhere. But it isn’t long before their lives are upended by the echoes of Rocket’s turbulent past. Peter Quill, still reeling from the loss of Gamora, must rally his team around him on a dangerous mission to save Rocket’s life — a mission that, if not completed successfully, could quite possibly lead to the end of the Guardians as we know them.”