
Legion: Chapter 2 Preview Released

Legion has now premiered on FX, bringing the X-Men Universe to television. The Legion series […]

Legion has now premiered on FX, bringing the X-Men Universe to television. The Legion series premiere was a wonderfully trippy surrealist experience – one that definitely left viewers wanting to see more.

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Now those fans have the opportunity to see more, as FX has released the official preview of Legion‘s second episode, with hints of more to come later on in season 1. Check it out in the video above.

Legion’s premiere focused mainly on the internal turmoil that David Haller (Dan Stevens) experiences in his fractured mind – a landscape where what is real, what is fantasy, and what is manifestation of immense mutant power, is always left to question. However, the preview of Legion‘s next story arc seems (seems) to focus on something a lot more literal: David’s training as a mutant rebel, under the tutelage of Melanie Bird (Jean Smart).

X-Men fans know that David/Legion has a variety of powers at his disposal – the main trio being telepathy, telekinesis, and pyrokinesis – aka, the ability to start fires with your mind. Clearly, Legion is building up to a (literally) fiery display of David’s power – and if this sneak peek is any indication, it’s going to be a pretty spectacular visual moment – as every display of mutant power has been so far on the show.

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Legion airs Wednesday nights @ 10/9c on FX.