
Marvel Announces New Digital TV Series

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD was all set to receive its own spinoff series in Most Wanted, but dreams […]

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD was all set to receive its own spinoff series in Most Wanted, but dreams were dashed when ABC didn’t pick up the pilot. Now Agents of SHIELD is getting another spinoff project, this time in the form of a digital show called Slingshot.

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The digital series will follow Elena “Yo-Yo” Rodriguez (played by Natalia Cordova-Buckley), who says of her role “There’s a lot of me in Yo-Yo and a lot of Yo-Yo in me.” The web series is actually a prequel to the start of season 4, showing how she comes to terms with her powers and giving it a bit of insight into the character’s past.

You can view the official description below.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot takes place shortly before the beginning of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 4. The digital series features Elena “Yo-Yo” Rodriguez, an Inhuman with the ability to move at super-speed. As a person with powers, she must sign the Sokovia Accords. However, the restrictions of the Accords are in direct conflict with a personal mission she’s desperate to fulfill, one that will test her abilities and will include tense encounters with S.H.I.E.L.D. team members.

Slingshot launches on December 13, which is also when Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD returns to ABC. You can find out more about the mid-season finale here.

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