
Marvel Announces New Spider-Man Ongoing

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If technological and industry powerhouse Peter Parker isn’t your cup of tea, then you might be just the fan Marvel is aiming at with their new Spider-Man ongoing series.

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Marvel has just announced a new series called Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man, which will be helmed by writer Chip Zdarksky and artist Adam Kubert. The book will aim for a more grounded and street level focus than its Amazing counterpart, as Zdarksy recently revealed to EW.

“The main book, Amazing Spider-Man, has kept things fresh by stretching the character and his situation. It’s still classic Spider-Man at its core, but transposed into new settings. With this book, we’re using the same Spider-Man in-continuity but shifting the spotlight back to his NYC environment and supporting cast. But even though we’re pushing to make it a more personal book, we’re still going to have big adventures with ramifications that’ll be felt in his other books. If I had, like, a true mission statement for the title though, it would be: “Have fun, have heart, have stakes.” My personal mission statement going into the book is “With great power comes something something I don’t know I’ve never had power before.”

For longtime fans, the book will resemble a bit of a throwback to 80’s and 90’s Spidey, which served as a big source of inspiration for Zdarsky.

“I’m a child of the ’80s and ’90s, so a lot of books from that time really imprinted on me. The mystery of the Hobgoblin hooked me as a kid. I also loved the stories that made you feel like Spidey was up against impossible odds. The classic scene from issue #33 of him struggling under the wreckage; his defeat of Firelord, Galactus’s herald; the introduction of Venom, which was terrifying; or when J. Michael Straczynski and John Romita Jr. introduced Morlun, an unstoppable, single-minded villain. Even though he’s been on teams, Spidey as the loner trying desperately to survive and save everyone is key. I also love stories that remind you of why you love the character. Superior Spider-Man managed to do that superbly while not even having Spider-Man as a character, which was incredibly bold with a fantastic payoff. I think those are the things I want to push in this book: impossible odds and reminding people why they love Spider-Man.”

Fans can get their first glimpse of Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man in a special lead in story on Free Comic Book Day, followed by the official first issue in June.

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