
Marvel Reveals First Look at New Transgender Superhero Escapade


The upcoming 2022 edition of Marvel Voices: Pride will be debuting a brand new hero! Earlier this week, it was announced that Marvel Voices: Pride #1, which serves to highlight the LGBTQ+ characters and creators of the Marvel universe, will serve as the first appearance of a new transgender mutant superhero named Escapade. Her debut story will be a 20-page adventure written by author Charlie Jane Anders, with art by Ro Stein and Ted Brandt and colors by Tamra Bonvillain. She will later return in a story arc of New Mutants guest-written by Anders, which will debut this fall.

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Also known as Shela Sexton, Escapade has the ability to instantaneously switch physical locations with another person, or trade any specific physical or abstract attribute such as possessions, organizational status, skills, superhuman powers, and even situations.ย 

Escapade is only able to maintain the power for a few hours at a time a time and must be within seven feet of her target, and the more complex the switch, the higher the chance of a mishap. Luckily for Escapade, she has an invaluable partner at her side, her tech-savvy best friend Morgan Red, along with a tool belt containing an arsenal of stolen tools and devices. Together, Escapade and Morgan tear through the Marvel Universe as professional thieves, stealing from criminal and corrupt organizations…until a meeting with Emma Frost and Destiny changes the course of Escapade’s life forever.

“I have loved the Marvel Universe for as long as I can remember, and may or may not sing the Spider-Man cartoon theme in the shower on a regular basis. So I was so thrilled to be able to introduce a brand-new hero to stand alongside all of my favorites,” Anders told “I hope that Escapade and Morgan Red will inspire trans and non-binary people everywhere to believe that they, too, can fight for justice with the power of creativity and chosen family.”

“Now more than ever, we need a hero like Shela Sexton for people to look up to,” Brandt explained. “It was a real honor and a privilege to be a part of her creation process!”

“It’s very exciting to be part of bringing a new character into Marvel comics,” Stein added. “Working with Charlie Jane’s script was a lot of fun, and I hope people enjoy reading about Escapade as much as we did putting together her first outing on the page.”

Marvel Voices: Pride #1 will be released on June 22nd wherever comics are sold.