Samuel L Jackson Done Chasing Oscars, Wants To be Nick Fury & Mace Windu

Marvel star Samuel L. Jackson says that he's done chasing Oscars, and he just wants to have fun roles like Nick Fury. In an interview with The Los Angeles Times, the venerated actor admitted that he's more excited to be Mace Windu again some day than pursue prestige. Famously, the actor has never claimed that prize, but has become a beloved figure in the cinematic community without the highest form of hardware. Jackson also managed to tally an astonishing fortune playing some fan favorite roles. It should come as no surprise that the Nick Fury actor is content to have fun chasing projects that stick out to him rather than trying for prestige roles. Jackosn's stature also gives him the breadth to make these claims in interviews without fear of repercussions that might follow a younger actor. Check out what he had to say right here. 

"I was never going to let the Oscars be a measure of my success or failure as an actor. My yardstick of success is my happiness: Am I satisfied with what I'm doing? I'm not doing statue-chasing movies. You know [whispers]: 'If you do this movie, you'll win an Oscar.' No, thanks. I'd rather be Nick Fury. Or having fun being Mace Windu with a lightsaber in my hand."

Previously, he also said, "My wife and I went to see 'Bugsy,'" Jackson shared. "Damn! They got nominated and I didn't? I guess Black folk usually win for doing despicable shit on screen. Like Denzel [Washington] for being a horrible cop in 'Training Day.' All the great stuff he did in uplifting roles like 'Malcolm X?' No — we'll give it to this motherfucker. So maybe I should have won one. But Oscars don't move the comma on your cheque — it's about getting asses in seats and I've done a good job of doing that."

In that same discussion, he turned his attention to Spider-Man: No Way Home. "They should have an Oscar for the most popular movie. Because that's what the business is about," Jackson said about the Marvel smash. "It did what movies did forever — it got people to a big dark room."

"All movies are valid," the star added. "Some go to the cinema to be moved dearly. Some like superheroes. If somebody has more butts on seats it just means your audience is not as broad. There are people who have had successful careers but nobody can recite one line of their parts. I'm the guy who says shit that's on a T-shirt."

Do you think any Marvel movies will win an Oscar one day? Let us know down in the comments!