
Spider-Man: Far From Home Projected for $150 Million Plus Holiday Opening Weekend

The release of Spider-Man: Far From Home is certainly an unusual one, not just for Sony and […]

The release of Spider-Man: Far From Home is certainly an unusual one, not just for Sony and Marvel, but for big budget movies in general. Most films hit theaters on a Friday, with preview screenings taking place on Thursday night. Some summer releases, particularly around holidays, will opt for a Wednesday opening, with the preview screenings on Tuesday. However, the latest Spider-Man adventure is arriving in theaters on Tuesday, July 2nd, making optimal use of the July 4th holiday week. This will help to give the web-crawling hero a boost at the crowded summer box office.

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According to a new report from Variety, Spider-Man: Far From Home is currently on pace for an opening of $154 million during its extended “holiday weekend.” This time frame actually spans six days, not just three, but many will refer to it as an opening weekend considering its set around 4th of July.

Several big budget sequels have had a rough time at the box office this summer, with films like Dark Phoenix, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, and The Secret Life of Pets 2 delivering disappointing returns. However, that should change with Far From Home, given the clout of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the massive hype following the release of Avengers: Endgame.

There’s also the fact that Spider-Man has long been a bankable star at the box office, both domestically and overseas. After five Spider-Man feature films, Tom Holland‘s first solo outing as the character, 2017’s Spider-Man: Homecoming, soared into theaters with a $117 million opening weekend. The film wound up making $334 million at the North American box office, just part of its fantastic $880 million worldwide haul. Far From Home should be yet another major success story for Sony.

In addition to the difficult task of following Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man: Far From Home will act as the final chapter of Phase 3 of the MCU. Everything beyond this point is a complete unknown, and a lot of the franchise’s future could be revealed with Spider-Man’s new film.

Are you looking forward to Spider-Man: Far From Home? How much do you think it will make in its opening weekend? Let us know in the comments!

Spider-Man: Far From Home hits theaters on July 2nd.