
The Batman And Spider-Man: No Way Home Fans Are Debating Which Movie Had The Better Trailer

Marvel and DC Comics fans are in a heated debate over which franchise dropped the best trailer. DC […]

Marvel and DC Comics fans are in a heated debate over which franchise dropped the best trailer. DC fans are rallying behind The Batman, while Marvel fans are standing behind Spider-Man: No Way Home. The Batman wracked up 22M views worldwide in the first 24 hours of its release at DC Fandome; Spider-Man: No Way Home‘s trailer is in a whole different class, stacking 355.5M views in the first 24 hours. So, the debate here is clearly not a numbers game; fans are simply arguing whether Batman or Spider-Man delivered the best first trailer.

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It’s actually a good debate: The Batman and Spider-Man: No Way Home have both been extremely highly-anticipated trailer releases – and both have been general story-framing teasers, that have held back on a lot of the larger reveals of each film. So did No Way Home hold back too much? Or was there even enough substance to The Batman DC Fandome footage to call it a trailer and not a sizzle reel?

It’s been a year since The Batman dropped its trailer, while Spider-Man: No Way Home’s teaser just debut – re-watch The Batman Trailer HERE to help avoid any recency bias. And Here’s what fans are saying about the Batman vs. Spider-Man trailer debate:

Who Did It Better: Batman or Spider-Man?

Who doย youย got in this debate? The Dark Knight or the Web-Slinger?ย 

Batman Did It Better

…Becauseย No Way Homeย did it way worse, according to this guy.ย 

Spider-Man Killed It

Spider-Man: No Way Homeย beatย Avengers: Endgame‘s trailer viewership record. It’s very hard to argue against that.ย 

Number Ain’t Everything

Just because something gets more attention doesn’t automatically make it better content.ย 

Quality vs. Quantity

Is Marvel really putting out the better trailers? Or just stacking those trailers with enough big “events” to pad the viewer numbers.ย 

It’s All About The Actors

It didn’t take long for the discussion to move from which film had the better trailer to which film has the better lead actor. In that debate, Robert Pattinson clearly has the heavier baggage.ย 

What Has Batman Done?

It’s a Fair Question. We haven’t really seen much fromย The Batmanย yet.ย