The as-yet-untitled third installment in Sony and Marvel’s co-produced Spider-Man franchise was originally scheduled to begin production this summer, but at this point series star Tom Holland is not sure whether it will happen. Even in the event that everything opens back up by July, when the film was originally slated to go in front of the cameras, Holland admits that the novel coronavirus pandemic that shut down productions all over the world may yet have a say in the matter. Per his recollection, the Uncharted movie that Holland is set to co-headline with Mark Wahlberg was set to begin production back in March, but was shut down on the first day of filming.
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Now, the star says, he is not yet clear on which of the two will be shooting first. One of them, at least in theory, will film this summer, but there are a lot of moving parts at this point and not all of the variable are even clear yet.
“I’m not too sure,” the actor told Jimmy Kimmel when the question was put to him on Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight. “I was in Berlin, making a film called Uncharted with Mark Wahlberg. We were all ready to go, we went to set for day one of shooting, and then we got shut down and we got sent home. So whether we shoot that movie first or we shoot Spider-Man first, I’m not clear. But both movies are being made and they’re both really strong and the scripts are fantastic, so whatever happens, happens.”
Earlier this week, Sony said that the film was still expected to film this summer, but that could be the studio’s own optimistic projection, given that Holland himself does not seem to know which of the two films has priority. There could be contractual issues at play, or even just a question of other, unrelated movies having a prior right on necessary sets for either or both of Holland’s productions.
Still, when Sony reshuffled a number of their upcoming release dates, they also pushed back the premiere of Uncharted. With that film officially delayed, it seems likely Sony is eager to begin rolling on their Marvel movie — but things are changing daily right now, and it will likely be late May or early June before the summer’s shooting schedule can really be locked down.
Spider-Man 3 is currently set to premiere in theaters on July 16, 2021.