American Pie's Seann William Scott Reveals There's an Idea for New Sequel (Exclusive)

1999 was the year of the teen movie with many iconic films about high schoolers hitting theaters. 10 Things I Hate About You, Cruel Intentions, She's All That, and Never Been Kissed were just some of the teen-centric films that were released that year, but there was one instant classic that spawned an entire franchise. American Pie followed a group of teens as they set out to lose their virginities before prom, and they had one incredibly obnoxious friend who they kept around solely because he threw epic parties: the only and only Steve Stifler, who was played by Seann William Scott. In honor of Scott's new film, The Wrath of Becky,'s Chris Killian chatted with the actor about the American Pie films and Scott revealed he has an idea for a fifth installment.

"I don't know, I just love the character so much," Scott explained when asked if there will be a follow-up to 2012's American Reunion. "We have to have a great idea, and especially these days, it has to be awesome. You know, comedy is tough, and they have always been tough, but you know, comedies have really changed. But I think, honestly, we have been talking about an idea. I had one and I still have one that we've literally just recently started talking about."

Scott continued, "It would be so much fun to see, I think, fun, but also really fascinating to see a guy like Stifler in his mid-forties today trying to figure things out. A guy who hasn't really changed that much, but the world has changed, you know, what would his life be like? ... Is there a fun end to a story?" Scott concluded, "I don't know if it'll ever happen." 

What Is The Wrath of Becky

Quiver Distribution's action/thriller/horror film The Wrath of Becky will be released exclusively in theaters on May 26th.
The upcoming movie is a sequel to the 2020 film Becky, which was released theatrically during the height of the pandemic. You can read a description of the film here: "Three years after escaping a violent attack on her family by four Neo-Nazis, Becky (Lulu Wilson), now 16, and her dog Diego live with a kind elderly woman named Elena Connor (Denise Burse) as they try to rebuild their lives." 

Would you like to see another American Pie movie? Tell us in the comments!