The Daily Distraction is hosted by Chris Killian, delivering the most entertaining daily news show. Killian put down his new episodes of The Boys to get on camera long enough to talk with the audience across Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube with today’s episode, September 15. The Daily Distraction rounds up the biggest news of the past 24 hours, bringing the biggest headlines from to one place with a unique spin.
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Below is a round up of the headlines featured in Daily Distraction.
- Chris Evans Addresses Big Weekend
- “Chris Evans had an eventful weekend. The Captain America star was sharing his screen to his Instagram story when fans managed to notice a picture not entirely savory for work hidden away in his camera roll. In his first media appearance since the incident over the weekend, Evans says the whole ordeal is embarrassing, thanking all of the fans who flocked to his defense in the aftermath of the unintentional leak.” -Adam Barnhardt
- She-Hulk Gearing Up For Production
- “While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to endure across the country, that hasn’t stopped some film and television productions from beginning to restart production or set a date for pre-production. Among those are multiple projects set within the Marvel Cinematic Universe — and it looks like Disney+‘s She-Hulk series could soon be among them. According to a new report from The Direct, She-Hulk is set to begin production in February of 2021. The production would take place in Atlanta, Georgia, where several of Marvel’s other recent Disney+ projects have filmed.” -Jenna Anderson
- Black Widow Seeking New Date
- “Black Widow is reportedly seeking out a new release date as Disney and Marvel Studios want to push the next big scheduled blockbuster title further down the line. Disney is now being dubbed as “likely” to delay Black Widow, a move which comes after Tenet tested the box office waters as the first major title release following the theatrical shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic and did not deliver opening weekend numbers close to what it would have under normal circumstances. Warner Bros. reacted by moving Wonder Woman 1984 back to Christmas, leaving no major titles between now and the scheduled date of November 6 date of Black Widow. At the time of publishing, Black Widow is still scheduled for November 6, 2020.” -Brandon Davis
- The Mandalorian Season 2 Trailer
- “The next chapter of Star Wars: The Mandalorian has officially arrived. Disney+ has released the first teaser trailer for the Emmy-nominated series’ second season, which is expected to debut on the streaming service later this year. Speculation about the trailer’s debut began earlier this month, especially as Star Wars Celebration Anaheim was expected to occur this weekend, before being canceled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The trailer provides the first indication of what the season will entail, and what fans can expect in the further adventures of The Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal), Baby Yoda, and their crew.” -Jenna Anderson
New episodes of Daily Distraction post at 11:30am ET on the official Instagram page and at 11am on YouTube.