Borat 2, Sacha Baron Cohen Win Best Comedy Movie and Actor at Golden Globes

Sacha Baron Cohen won big time as Borat: Subsequent Moviefilm took home the Golden Globe for Best [...]

Sacha Baron Cohen won big time as Borat: Subsequent Moviefilm took home the Golden Globe for Best Comedy Film and Best Actor in a Comedy Film. The actor seemed legitimately stunned to bring home the honor in both categories. However, in a stacked field, Cohen emerged victoriously. This has to be a surprise for Amazon because the movie came out of nowhere in late 2020. No one expected Borat of all properties to be back in the limelight after such a long stretch of time. But, 2020 was nothing if not full of surprises. Comedy is a strange category sometimes and having titles like Hamilton in the running was obviously daunting. But, sometimes there are just things that you can't account for, and Borat definitely fits the bill. The actor thanked the others who were nominated and his family for the support during a very difficult filming process staying in character.

If you're expecting to see Borat again at some point, you're going to be disappointed. Cohen made it clear that this was probably the last ride during a recent interview on Good Morning America. There was some very real danger for the comedian this time.

"This wasn't a prank movie, this was my form of peaceful protest," he explained. "So, this was the first movie I was encouraged to wear a bulletproof vest during a couple of scenes. One of them was at a gun rally at Washington State, where I was singing a song called the Wuhan Flu. Yes, a group of armed members of the crowd stormed the stage, overpowered the security and one of them actually reached for his pistol. I was extremely luck that I had an outstanding bodyguard who grabbed the guy's arm and whispered the words, 'It's not worth it buddy.'"

Borat: Subsequent Moviefilm is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video

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