It looks like Jim Parrack may have been having a little fun with fans on social media recently. When he was revealed as part of the cast of Suicide Squad, rumors immediately began to spread that he would be playing Deathstroke the Terminator, a rumor Parrack was semed to be lending credibility to by posting images of Deathstroke to his own social media accounts.
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Jeff Sneider of Meet the Movie Press has refuted the claim, reporting that Parrack is not Deathstroke, but instead Jonny Frost in Suicide Squad.
Frost is a much less known character than Deathstroke. He appeared in the Joker graphic novel by Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo as a loyal and ambitious henchman to the Joker. Considering how central Jared Leto’s Joker seems to be to the plot of Suicide Squad, it makes sense to have another of his lackey’s running around in the film, perhaps as a go-between for Joker and is reportedly estranged other half, Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie).
Suicide Squad opens August 5, 2016.