Kick-Ass Reboot, Kingsman 3 Confirmed by Matthew Vaughn

Matthew Vaughn talked about his upcoming projects at NYCC.

Matthew Vaughn is known for helming an array of films including Kick-Ass and Kingsman, which are both worlds the director plans to return to. Kingsman 3 was previously announced, and franchise star Taron Egerton thought the movie would go into production this year. Due to the ongoing SAG strike, it's unlikely the movie will begin filming in 2023, but Vaughn took part in a panel at New York Comic Con, and confirmed he will be making the threequel next year in addition to another Kick-Ass film. 

"We will be doing a reboot of Kick-Ass next year, but it's a total… it's like… it's as brave as the first one but totally different and more reflective of the times we're in," Vaughn told 

"We are working on that at the moment," Vaughn said of Kingsman 3 during his NYCC panel. "It's a weird time to be in the movie business. We're not making movies, but that's another story. But it's a tough time and ... next year we're rebooting Kick-Ass and we will be making Kingsman 3."

He added, "Kick-Ass sort of changed people's perception of what a superhero film is at that time. So we're doing it again, so it's none of the characters from the other Kick-Ass. We'd like to bring them back after the reboot, but this reboot, it's just going off on a tangent that I can't I really can't talk about that."

Back in 2021, Vaughn spoke more about his Kick-Ass reboot when chatting with

"Oh, you've got a big reboot, a big reboot of Kick-Ass in two years. Big reboot ... It's so f*cking nuts that I can't talk about it. But we've got that ready to go. All the rights revert back in two years and then we're going to reboot it where people will be like, 'He is insane,'" Vaughn revealed.

When asked why he's doing a reboot instead of Kick-Ass 3, Vaughn replied, "Because I think the clue is in the title. I think Kick-Ass ... it became a new type of genre. Everyone went like- whenever we made it, everyone was like, 'Oh, you can't make R-rated superheroes. No one will want to see an R-rated superhero. You can't do this. You can't do that.'  So, [LAUGH] when we- I had to say 'dare' and it was so nuts that I went, 'Yeah, great. It'll cause just as much controversy and everyone will talk about it and as many people will love it will hate it.' Um, but I'm not saying it hasn't got the characters in it and won't have, you know. I'm just saying it's not what any of-anyone could be imagining what it is. And I'm going to need one very, very brave actor or actress to play the new Kick-Ass because it will scare the shit out of them."

Stay tuned for more updates from NYCC.