The Batman Filming Rumored To Be Grueling Process For Robert Pattinson
The Batman has suffered several setbacks due to the coronavirus, but a new rumor is saying that's [...]
The Batman has suffered several setbacks due to the coronavirus, but a new rumor is saying that's not the only challenge the film (and a potential franchise). According to The Sun's sources, the filming process has been called gruelling for star Robert Pattinson and is a result of director Matt Reeves' perfectionism. The report says that Pattinson is doing upwards of 50 takes of a scene sometimes, and thanks to the bulky and hot Batman suit, it's leaving him as well as the crew exhausted. The source said "Filming has been a gruelling process, especially for Robert, as Matt is such a perfectionist.
"He'll insist on doing scenes over and over again and get bogged down in the tiny detail. Sometimes it's like he doesn't know when to stop," the source said.
They also added that while Reeves has done other big-budget films (like Cloverfield and the Planet of the Apes reboot trilogy), he hasn't done one on this same scale, and thus the pressure is on.
"Matt has done blockbusters before, but this is another level. Batman is arguably the most popular superhero of all and by the time the film is released it will be the Dark Knight's first solo movie in ten years. Warner Bros can't afford for the fanbase to be disappointed and have thrown £90million at the film. No one is denying that this is a high stakes production and that Matt is feeling the pressure to get it right," the source continued.
"But Robert has had a tough time on these franchise movies before. He hated Twilight by the time it wrapped, and the last thing anyone wants is for him to become jaded," the source said.
No one wants Pattinson to become burned out, especially on a franchise starter's first film, so hopefully, that is not the case, as the trailer released at Fandome had fans hyped for what Reeves and Pattinson are doing with the film. If things are chaotic on the set, hopefully, they can be smoothed over before it has major ramifications on the franchise and those involved.
Hopes are high that this can be the start of a new era of Batman movies, as the character and the DC movie universe in general have been a bit all over the place since Ben Affleck's Batman was introduced in Batman v Superman. Affleck's Batman will be seen once more in the Zack Snyder cut of Justice League coming to HBO Max, but Pattinson's Batman is the one that could spawn a franchise, and we'll just have to wait and hope it all works out.
The Batman is currently slated to hit theaters on March 4th, 2022.