Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: The Only Light In The Darkness Recap With Spoilers

The episode opens with Marcus Daniels, a.k.a. Blackout, getting off a boat, extinguishing all [...]

Agents of SHIELD - The Only Light In The Darkness

The episode opens with Marcus Daniels, a.k.a. Blackout, getting off a boat, extinguishing all light as he passes. He asks a fisherman for a ride. The fisherman refuses, so Blackout takes his truck instead. Meanwhile, Ward is getting stitched up by Simmons and the team. Ward lies to them, telling them that Hydra overran the Fridge, took what was inside and freed the inmates. He then claims he killed Garrett before he escaped. Ward uses this as an opportunity to suggest accessing the hard drive, but Coulson has Skye research the escaped inmates instead. Skye begins researching, but when Coulson finds out that Blackout is free he decides they need to take action. Koening doesn't like the idea and says that no one is leaving until they go through "orientation," which means taking a highly advanced lie detector test. The lie detector was designed by Nick Fury himself so that even Black Widow couldn't beat it, though he never said whether she did or not. Koening begins examining the team and we get a montage of answers. We learn that Trip's grandfather was a Howling Commando and that Skye is not Skye's real name but one she chose. We also learn a bit about each characters motivation for staying with S.H.I.E.L.D. Most are here out of a sense of duty or family, though Simmons admits she's not really sure. Finally, it's Garrett's turn. His results are effecting by his physical state. Coulson begins briefing Trip and Fitzsimmons on Blackout, who worked with something called "dark force" and became exposed to it. Now he absorbs energy. Coulson said they beat him before by overloading him energy and Fitz suggests developing a device to do it again. Garrett continues his "orientation," answering the same questions as the others. When asked why he's still here, Ward says he's an Agent and it's his duty. Koening sees something he doesn't like in the readings. He pulls out a gun and begins to grill him harder, asking about his associations with Hydra and other possible motives for being here. Ward covers by saying his real reason for being here is Skye, which reads true to Koening. Ward leaves and hides in a corner, stabbing his thumb with a nail. Fitz runs into him. Ward encourages Fitz to tell Simmons how he really feels and Fitz finds it odd. Ward finally tells him to do what he wants and walks away. May comes to Coulson, angry that she's not piloting the mission to find Blackout. It begins a whole new argument about May's deception. Coulson isn't hearing it, tells her to follow his orders or leave. Coulson tells Fitzsimmons that Blackout, whose mind was damaged by his powers, was obsessed with a girl named Audrey. They need to track Audrey down to find Blackout. They get to her just in time and Fitz deploys small drones to shine lights on Blackout. Blackout reveals that he was made stronger in the Fridge and uses his powers to knock out the drones and knock back Fitz and Coulson. Koening and Skye are back at Providence. Skye figures out that Koening is using the lanyards he gave everybody to keep track of them. This gives Skye the idea to hack the NSA to get footage from the Fridge breakout and track the escapees. Ward comes in and backs Skye up, but then brings up downloading the hard drive again. Koening looks like he finds this suspicious. Koening tells Skye to go ahead and track to hack the NSA after all. Simmons and Trip lie and tell Audrey that they're CIA, but Audrey knows they're with S.H.I.E.L.D. She knows they're the good guys, having had an agent save her life before, six years ago. Blackout had been stalking her and she was saved by Coulson. Audrey explains that, as far as she knows, Coulson died in the line of duty. She still misses him. Coulson hears, listening in from another room. Fitz tells him he thinks he knows how to stop Blackout, but they need to use Audrey to draw him out. Ward, with a concealed gun, goes to see May. He's surprised to find her packed and ready to leave. She explains that Coulson can't see past her deception and that the price of following orders was too high. She leaves Providence. Ward goes back to Koening. He's excited because Skye has managed to get into the NSA satellites and they're expected clear images soon. Trip and Simmons are with Audrey in a theater. The plan seems to be for her to play her cello to draw Blackout out. Fitz plans on using technology – developed by Bruce Banner – to take Blackout down. Back in Providence, Ward approaches Skye who is looking at the satellite images. Ward says Koening is trying to contact NATO. Skye notices all she can see is in the images is an empty roof. Ward changes the subject by telling her May left. They end up talking about their own relationship. Fitz asks why Coulson doesn't tell Audrey that he's alive. He explains that he doesn't want to hurt her again, and that he can't stay either way. Ward and Skye begin talking about Ward's feelings, how he always keeps them in check. Skye encourages him to open up, but he says there are things she wouldn't like about him. He tells her that he lied, that his older brother didn't beat up his younger brother but rather he made Ward do it, and Ward went along with it. Ward says he's not a good man, but Skye says he is. They kiss. She puts her hand on the back of his neck and feels blood. He pulls away, saying a cut opened up that he needs to clean. Skye notices Koening's tablet, tracking lanyard movement, and goes to find him. Ward is washing a garrote off in a sink. Blackout finds Audrey. He says she's the only one that can save him. She keeps playing. Ward returns to find Skye gone. Skye knocks on the door where Koening is supposed to be. She opens it and a coin falls. The room is a supply closet. She looks up and sees Koening's bleeding body on the grate above and realizes Ward must have done it. Trip, Fitz and Simmons try to use the light devices on Blackout, but he resists and knocks them down. Finally, Coulson comes out and tries as well and, with Trip's help, overloads Blackout. Skye is crying in a bathroom, afraid of what Ward might do. She begins searching the cabinets then notices a picture on the wall. Coulson goes to Audrey to make sure she's okay. He kisses her, tells her he's here and that she's okay, and then runs off before she opens her eyes. She sees Simmons over her instead. Ward opens the closet door, and the coin falls again. Skye shows up behind him, tells him she ran off because she was scared off by the kiss. She says she acted impulsively, but she's not now and leans in to kiss him. She says she wants this. Ward says he want to stay here with her and imagine the world outside doesn't exist. But he says they got word from Fitz that they're needed. She tries to stall, but he says they need to leave now. They walk toward the hanger, holding hands. Coulson tells Fitz that he feels bad having to lie to Audrey. He says he'll tell her the truth someday, when there's a chance she'll understand. He says he needs to make things right with May that he needs to forgive May if he can ever expect Audrey to forgive her. Simmons comes in and asks Fitz if he has a problem with Trip, but he says no, it's not him. He just hates change. The team returns to Providence to find the Bus gone. Ward and Skye are on the Bus. Skye realizes that Ward needs her to decrypt the hard drive. Ward says that, since the hard drive is location based, Skye is in charge. May is walking down the road when an SUV come to pick her up. The woman is angry with the lack of gratefulness from May. May says she called her because she needed someone she could trust. The woman – presumably May's mother – found something for her. The woman says she's retired but still has contacts and that her agency hadn't fallen apart. She tells May that she wasn't the only one looking and asks if she plans to kill her. May says no, she just wants to talk. The woman is glad because she always liked Maria.