Deadpool Would Make Sense As Hard-R, Darker Movie Says X-Men Producer

Simon Kinberg, producer of X-Men: Days of Future Past, spoke to Collider about the possibility of [...]

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Simon Kinberg, producer of X-Men: Days of Future Past, spoke to Collider about the possibility of expanding the X-Men's cinematic universe. Specifically, the producer talked about how he thinks a Deadpool solo movie could work. "Yeah, it makes sense to me," Kinberg said. "Genuinely its early phases, early days, but if you're gonna do a Deadpool movie, I think you've gotta do a hard-R, darker movie and he is the perfect character to do it with." Deadpool is an incredibly popular character at Marvel. On one hand, he's a murdering assassin for hire. On the other, he's kind of insane and his stories often have a heavy comedic bend. It would be interesting to see if a Deadpool film could balance those two aspects of the character, or if a "dark" Deadpool movie would simply jettison the character's zanier, fourth wall-breaking habits. So far, Deadpool has only been seen on screen once, when he was portrayed by Ryan Reynolds in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. While most fans were happy with the idea of Reynolds playing the characters, what the film chose to do with the character left fans mostly irate and begging to see the Merc With A Mouth get another chance to shine on screen.