If Guardians Of The Galaxy Does Well, James Gunn Will Do Sequel

Among movie gossip sites, there’s been a lot of back and forth over if Guardians of the Galaxy [...]

Among movie gossip sites, there's been a lot of back and forth over if Guardians of the Galaxy is planned as a one and done movie for Marvel Studios or if there is a plan for a sequel. During an appearance on the Adam Carolla Show, Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn spoke out on the possibility of a sequel. And just like with most movies, the sequel is going to depend on how well the original movie does at the box office. Here's what Gunn had to say.

"I'm actually in a somewhat weird position, because If the movie does well, then I'm going to make the sequel. And if it does ok, then I've already been offered other movies. But I can only do those movies if I don't do the sequel. So it's a weird situation."

So it certainly sounds like Marvel Studios has spoken with Gunn and let him know that there will be a sequel if Guardians of the Galaxy does well. It also sounds like that sequel will happen fairly quickly if it's a go, forcing Gunn to pass on any other immediate offers.

Considering the early positive buzz on the film, it's probably a pretty safe bet that the studios that have offered the other movies to James Gunn should probably start looking for a new director now (or be prepared to wait for awhile).

Many have been comparing Guardians of the Galaxy to films like Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark. The similarities are no accident, as it turns out Gunn was a huge fan of those movies, while he was growing up.

"The truth is as a kid I loved like Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark. And these sort of big, fun action/adventure movies. I loved space movies," said Gunn. "And so the opportunity to create something like that, which is something I've always wanted to do, but never thought I'd be able to do, I suddenly saw that possibility."

Guardians of the Galaxy is scheduled to be released in movie theaters on August 1, 2014.