Internet Arcade Offers Over 900 Classic Arcade Games To Play Online

Over 900 classic arcade games are only a few keystrokes away. The Internet Arcade debuted on [...]

Internet Arcade

Over 900 classic arcade games are only a few keystrokes away.

The Internet Arcade debuted on Saturday with hundreds of games that are available to be played, Entertainment Weekly reports.

While the games are browser-based and function with ease, not all of them are guaranteed to work. These versions are emulations of classic games, and as a result some of them run into scaling, control, or other technical issues.

Firefox is the recommended browser for best results. Housed at the Internet Archive, games range from classics like Paperboy to Street Fighter II.

Jason Scott, one of the creators behind the project, discussed the work that went into the endeavor.

"Obviously, a lot of people are going to migrate to games they recognize and ones that they may not have played in years," he stated on his blog. "They'll do a few rounds, probably get their asses kicked, smile, and go back to their news sites."

Scott even hopes that the project helps to influence the future of gaming.

"And my hope is that a handful, a probably tiny percentage, will begin plotting out ways to use this stuff in research, in writing, and remixing these old games into understanding their contexts." he said. Time will tell."