Mark Hamill Teases Luke Skywalker Situation In Star Wars: The Force Awakens

There is still a lot of mystery surrounding the exact plot details of Star Wars: The Force [...]

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There is still a lot of mystery surrounding the exact plot details of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and fans are eager to find out what happened to the core cast of the original Star Wars trilogy in the intervening years between Return of the Jedi and the new sequel trilogy.

Speaking to Schmoes Know, Mark Hamill gave the first hint of where we'll find Luke Skywalker when The Force Awakens begins. Rather than revealing the state the Luke is in, however, Hamill explains were he isn't. Here's what Hamill had to say when asked where he thought the character might have gone after Return of the Jedi, versus where he is in The Force Awakens:

The final chapter indicated Luke would be terribly conflicted and might give in to darker impulses. Maybe in the direction of betraying someone before realizing the error in his ways. I was completely wrong in that assumption.

Hamill's original assumption about Luke's future was explored in the now non-canonical expanded universe comic book Dark Empire, in which Luke temporarily falls to the Dark Side of the Force. His comments here seem to indicate that director J.J. Abrams is taking the character in a very different direction in Disney's new canon.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens December 18.