Mulder Kisses Scully In First X-Files Set Videos; First Look At Joel McHale

Up in Vancouver, filming has begun on The X-Files revival series and we got the first set videos [...]


Up in Vancouver, filming has begun on The X-Files revival series and we got the first set videos for you to enjoy.

The last time we saw Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) and Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) together was in 2008's The X-Files: I Want to Believe. If you stuck around for the after credits scene you would've seen the two getting cozy in a rowboat, enjoying a tropical vacation.

Based on these first set videos they're still cozy with each. Watch as Mulder steps right up to his former FBI partner and kisses her. It isn't a lover's kiss, but it's also not peck you'd give your grandmother. Fox, you stud!

The videos also provide our first look at Community star Joel McHale as 'Tad O'Malley.' He's the tall guy in sunglasses and a business suit standing next to Scully and Mulder. McHale's character is a conservative news anchor who becomes a surprising ally to Mulder.

The X-Files 6-episode mini-series on Fox will begin airing January 24, 2016.