New Batman V Superman Clip: Lex Luthor Tells Superman To Battle Batman To The Death

Thanks to Good Morning America's interview with Lex Luthor actor Jesse Eisenberg, we now have our [...]

Lex Luthor BVS Header
(Photo: Warner Bros. )

Thanks to Good Morning America's interview with Lex Luthor actor Jesse Eisenberg, we now have our first glimpse at the intense villain that we know from the comics.

In the previous footage we've only seen the quirky and slightly awkward side of the character, but in this new scene we see Lex talking to Superman directly about the fight he is getting himself into with Batman, and that aggression starts to manifest itself in the way Eisenberg delivers his lines. It's a welcome sight for those of us who thought this Luthor was again trending towards the same comedic areas that Kevin Spacey and Gene Hackman already covered.

Eisenberg went on to talk about the fun of being a villain but also getting to achieve some long-awaited goals

"I got to take out all these feelings in high school…like being around the football team and not getting to scream at them and also forcing them to wear capes," Eisenberg joked. "Those are my two dreams and in this movie I got to accomplish both of them."

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice releases on March 25th.

via Good Morning America