Ryan Reynolds Shares Photo Of Deadpool Hitching To Comic Con

Deadpool is coming to San Diego Comic Con this week…just so long as he can get a ride [...]

Deadpool is coming to San Diego Comic Con this week…just so long as he can get a ride there.

The Merc With A Mout—but without a motor vechhile—is trying to hitch a ride to the San Diego Convention center, as Deadpool movie actor Ryan Reynolds shared earlier today. Posting the new live-action Deadpool photo on his Twitter, Reynolds showed his Marvel Comics counterpart embracing the southwestern fashion while trying to get a lift to San Diego Cominc Con. If Deadpool truly does break the fourth wall, hasn't he heard of Uber?

Let's hope he reaches San Diego by Saturday at 5:45 , when 20th Fox hosts their official movie panel. We know we want to see Reynolds' Wade Wilson in attendance.


And it looks like Reynolds' Deadpool co-starts are following Deadpool's foosteps. Both Morena Bacarin (Negasonic Teenage Warhead) and Ed Skrein (Ajax) have posted their own versions of Reynold's original photo. What is this, The Marvel Universe Hitchhiker's Guide To Comic Con?

San Diego Comic Con runs from July 9-12 at the San Diego Convention Center, with or without Deadpool. Better hurry it up, Wade! Also, Follow along with ComicBook.com's San Diego Comic Con 2015 coverage by clicking here.